Mel Robbins, renowned author and personal development expert, joined The Entrepreneur’s Studio, a podcast produced and sponsored by Heartland Payments Systems, to lead listeners on a discovery of reinvention through self-leadership.
“I was trying to save myself from ruining my life, and I didn’t know how to take action,” said Robbins. “I was so stuck in this moment. I was so stuck in this experience that everybody gets stuck in, which is knowing what you need to do, but feeling so frustrated with yourself because you can’t make yourself do it.”
On part 1 of the conversation hosted by Heartland’s SVP of Marketing, Chris Allen, Robbins shares her secrets of overcoming hesitation and self-doubt through her science-backed 5-Second Rule and how to transform negative mindsets and habits that hold people back in business and in life.
“There will always be an excuse not to do something,” said Robbins. “The only thing that changes your life or …