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Your Next 5 Moves to Win the Game of Money [Video]

Entrepreneur Leadership

Your Next 5 Moves to Win the Game of Money

In today’s video we go over the main ideas from the book Your Next 5 Moves by Patrick Bet David.

Continuing our mission to bring financial education to the world we bring this business strategy book to help you develop your strategy for business and life.

The 5 Moves outlined in this book are:
0:00 Intro
0:17 Move #1 Master Knowing Yourself
3:32 Move #2 Master the Ability to Reason
5:22 Move #3 Build the Right Team
6:11 Move #4 Master the Strategy for Scale
8:32 Move #5 Master Power Plays


1. Master Knowing Yourself: In order to achieve high levels of success, we must know who we are and what we want. Once we understand who we are, we can choose the best path that makes success easier. This can mean choosing intrapreneurship as an option if you have entrepreneurship tendencies but don’t want to take the risks of being an entrepreneur.

2. Master The Ability To Reason: Problem solving is one of the most important aspects of being successful. Many businesses fail due to the inability to solve problems.

3. Build the right team: Instead of asking what can they do for me? Ask yourself what I can do for them. That’s how you build a strong team.

4. Master The Strategy For Scale: There are 4 Pillars to develop a scalable business. A Strong Operating System, Great Relationships with your business Environment, A Strong Marketing Campaign and Great Leadership Training.

5. Master Power Moves. Creating Options and learning how to negotiate can create big opportunities to take your business and your life to the next level.

Let me know in the comets which ideas from this video that resonated with you the most.

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This playlist that will help you understand the world of investing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9xgqZtNCrA&list=PLkxByrIbVCSpPXBJ4VJoqU2QHVJKZfpfj

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