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You Can Call ChatGPT on the Phone for Advice, Translations [Video]

Entrepreneur Mentors

Have a question for ChatGPT but lack a Wi-Fi connection? OpenAI has introduced a new way to connect with its popular AI chatbot for U.S. users: Call 1-800-CHATGPT or 1-800-242-8478.

OpenAI announced the feature on Wednesday and demonstrated how it works through a YouTube livestream. OpenAI researchers called the number with everything from an iPhone to a flip phone to a landline. No matter the medium, the end output was the same: A female voice saying, “Hello again, it’s ChatGPT, an AI assistant. Our conversation may be reviewed for safety. How can I help you?”

In the live demo, ChatGPT helped identify landmarks that a researcher said he saw on a road trip. In another instance, it provided a different researcher with an English-to-Spanish translation so that she could greet a friend’s grandmother in Spanish.

The move to have ChatGPT available via phone call is part of the company’s goal to …

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