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Why Christopher Pan doesnt regret giving the ‘worst Ohio State commencement speech ever’ [Video]

Entrepreneur Lifestyle

“Graduation speaker booed by entire stadium,” “Cringe-worthy speech peddling Bitcoin” and “The worst Ohio State commencement speech ever.” These are just a few headlines written about the speech given by Christopher Pan, a social entrepreneur, during the 2024 Ohio State University (OSU) commencement ceremony.

But the 1999 OSU alumnus wouldn’t change his speech nor message if given the opportunity to go back in time. “I don’t have any regrets because I did what I believe is right,” Pan tells NextShark.

Pan, the founder of service project company MyIntent.org, delivered a keynote address to more than 12,000 studentsand their families on May 5 at the Ohio Stadium in Columbus. As the son of Chinese immigrants and grandson of refugees, he has dedicated his life to community-building efforts, particularly focusing on emotional and spiritual wellness. He says his challenging upbringing as an Asian American who struggled to fit in has fueled his passion for this work. With professional …

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