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The Power of Proximity: How Bryan Stevenson Shaped My Financial Coaching Ep. 61 [Video]

Entrepreneur Ideas

The Power of Proximity: How Bryan Stevenson Shaped My Financial Coaching Ep. 61

Sometimes it’s people outside our industry who have the biggest impact on how we grow and develop our values and our businesses. This is true for me, and this week I’m sharing more about the person who has helped shape how I conduct business and work with clients every day.

In this week’s episode, I’m sharing how Bryan Stevenson — the renowned lawyer, activist and author behind Just Mercy and the Equal Justice Initiative — ended up becoming one of the most influential figures on my financial coaching philosophy and methods.

While Stevenson’s work confronting injustice in the criminal justice system may seem unrelated to money, his ideas around the power of proximity, leading with empathy, instilling hope in suffering, and fighting for human dignity have transformed how I view my role and approach clients.

In the episode, I’m exploring the key lessons from this modern-day hero that became foundational pillars, such as intimately understanding people’s struggles for true impact, seeing the full nuanced humanity in each person, and making justice and restoration my driving mission.

You’ll hear how Stevenson’s philosophy allowed me to shed limiting beliefs to find the courage to offer transformative high-level and high-touch support.

By the end, you’ll understand why this visionary activist, despite having no direct finance ties, became one of my most influential mentors for creating meaningful, lasting impact.

Links & Resources:

Cash Flow Planning and Control for Small Business Owners (scroll to the bottom): http://financialcoachingtoolkit.com
Ten Percent Happier: How to Keep Going When Things Get Hard: https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/bryan-stevenson
We Need to Talk About Injustice TED Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2tOp7OxyQ8&t=14s&pp=ygUPYnJ5YW4gc3RldmVuc29u
True Justice: Bryan Stevenson’s Fight for Inequality documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfZPl4CFEUc&pp=ygUPYnJ5YW4gc3RldmVuc29u
The Power of Proximity CEO Initiative: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RyAwZIHo4Y&t=18s&pp=ygUmYnJ5YW4gc3RldmVuc29uIHRoZSBwb3dlciBvZiBwcm94aW1pdHk%3D
Financial Coaches Unite Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/financialcoachesunite

#FinancialCoaching #FinancialCoachingJourney #FinancialCoachingBusiness #Podcast

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