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Legal Strategies for Family Business Experiencing Growth [Video]

Entrepreneur Mentors

Legal Strategies for Family Business Experiencing Growth

In this seminar, hosted by the Institute for Family Business and the Central Valley Women Entrepreneurs Center, UC Berkeley New Business Community Law Clinic’s Clinical Supervising Attorney, Mariana Acevedo Nuevo, L.L.M, provides vital legal insights tailored to the needs of small- to medium-sized family businesses. The seminar delves into legal strategies that can prepare a business for potential growth, including advice on crucial entity formation decisions, operating agreement considerations when working with family, shareholder structure to accommodate capital expansions, among other topics.

You will leave with a better understanding of important legal aspects in family business, including practical advice to help you make informed decisions.

Crucial entity formation decisions
Operating agreement considerations when working with family
Shareholder structure to accommodate capital expansion
Other best practices

About the Speaker
Mariana Acevedo Nuevo, L.L.M., is a Clinical Supervising Attorney in the New Business Community Law Clinic. With prior experience as the Shriver Housing Attorney at Legal Access Alameda, she advocated for housing rights among low-income residents in Alameda County. Mariana’s journey also encompasses advocating for clients before the Mexican Economic Competition Commission and working in the Market Investigations unit at the Federal Economic Competition Commission. With an LL.M. from Berkeley Law and a master’s in public policy and public administration from CIDE, Mariana skillfully merges legal expertise with societal benefit.
About the UC Berkeley Clinic
The UC Berkeley New Business Community Law Clinic tackles the demand for affordable legal support among East Bay Area and Central Valley entrepreneurs. This mentorship program pairs students with local start-ups, providing a practical, hands-on learning opportunity while delivering essential legal assistance to small businesses.

About the Central Valley Women’s Entrepreneur Center
The Central Valley Women’s Entrepreneur Center (WE Center) was established to fill the gaps in small business technical assistance services to women in the Central Valley. As a Partnership Program with the SBA administered by California State University, Fresno, it is funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. The WE Center is designed to assist women across the Central Valley who want to expand or begin their entrepreneurial careers, taking into consideration the challenges of growing a small business and therefore providing the necessary tools to create a reliable foundation in order for a business to grow. The WE Center is staffed by bilingual business specialists who understand how to launch and help expand a business.

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