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Leading the Change: Our New MA in Global Sustainability Leadership [Video]

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Leading the Change: Our New MA in Global Sustainability Leadership

On 15 May 2024, UNITAR and TU Dublin held a webinar to introduce the Masters in Global Sustainability Leadership. This session featured 4 lecturers of the programme, who provided a preview of their specific course modules and the unique expertise they bring to the MA.

• Dr Etain Kidney, Head of School, Marketing and Entrepreneurship at TU Dublin, delved into how social entrepreneurship principles drive impactful societal change and sustainable solutions, discussing her course on Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship.

• Mr Jon Mark Walls, Business Development Manager at Wyss Center for Bio and Neuroengineering and former UN specialist, outlined his course on strategic communications and policy development, focusing on their role in global sustainability efforts.

• Dr Dolapo Fakuade, Director of Intelligence, Security, and Disaster Management Programmes at the University of Derby, discussed her approach to teaching disaster management, emphasizing crisis response and security solutions in the context of sustainability.

• Dr Ciarán O’Carroll, Lecturer in Enterprise & Sustainability at TU Dublin, shared insights into integrating sustainability practices within business and governance, highlighting his background in sustainability consulting and academia.

Attendees had the opportunity to engage directly with these experts during a live Q&A session, gaining a deeper understanding of how the programme’s content aligns with the latest challenges and opportunities in the field of sustainability.

To learn more, visit the programme webpage: https://unitar.org/sustainable-development-goals/peace/our-portfolio/online-learning-and-education/post-graduate-certificate-global-sustainability-leadership-technological-university-dublin.

And if you would like to hear more about the programme or be considered for the application period, please fill in this expression of interest form: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=yxdjdkjpX06M7Nq8ji_V2rq76ysE3nlPl4Hvn_hsDtZUOFJNWVU4R0FSWUZKUTM3U1hYOEVMUVlYVy4u

The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) delivers innovative training and conducts research on knowledge systems to increase the capacity of beneficiaries to respond to global and constantly evolving challenges.
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