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How to Keep Your Site Loading FAST [Video]

Entrepreneur Mentors

How to Keep Your Site Loading FAST

Join us for Evergreen Marketing LIVE; this week we’ll dive deep into the need for speed in your website’s performance!
In this episode, we’ll explore why speed is crucial for both ranking and conversion rates. Did you know that Google prioritizes page experience, with speed playing a significant role? Learn more about this and how it can impact your website’s visibility in search results.
We’ll also discuss the ideal loading times you should aim for, both for desktop and mobile. According to Backlinko’s analysis of 5 million sites, the average fully loaded speed is 10.3 seconds on desktop and 27.3 seconds on mobile. Discover what benchmarks you should strive for to ensure optimal performance.
Plus, we’ll break down key performance indicators like LCP, FID, and CLS, and what constitutes good, need improvement, and poor scores in each category.
Want to learn how to keep your website loading lightning-fast? We’ll share actionable tips, including optimizing code for efficiency, resizing images before uploading, minimizing script and CSS usage, and avoiding plugin bloat.
Tune in live to get expert insights and practical strategies to supercharge your website’s speed, then stick around for the post show live Q&A only available here in the FB Community!

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