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Ep 063 | Strategies for Success: Kasey’s Roadmap for Entrepreneurs with Kasey D’Amato [Video]

Entrepreneur Mentors

Ep 063 | Strategies for Success: Kasey’s Roadmap for Entrepreneurs with Kasey D’Amato

In this inspiring conversation, Kasey D’Amato, a successful business advisor and life coach, shares valuable advice on how to strategically align business and personal life goals. She outlines common mistakes entrepreneurs made in 2023 and provides practical strategies to rectify them. Kasey emphasizes on the importance of time management, enjoyment and surrounding oneself with the right team to propel success. She introduces her powerful tool, ‘Forecast Cubed’, focusing on financial forecast, time management and integrating fun for overall growth. Towards the end, Kasey discusses her journey and her perspective on the definition of success.

0:00 Ep – Introduction
02:32 What are some distinctive patterns or mistakes that you have seen in 2023 that has held back business growth?
08:38 What are some easy ways to propel growth in 2024?
17:16 Where do you start with mentorship?
24:29 How should you look at time blocks in your business?
28:52 Where can people find you?
29:53 What does success mean to you and why?
30:30 Has there been any instrumental players to help you achieve this level of success?

Episode Links:
Apply for a Free 30 min Strategy Session with Kasey https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd_Spg7-v0_74u8SYE3dj_6w34VqI_uMmCt8XYsdsXG-8n47A/viewform
Visit Kasey on Instagram @kaseydamato

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