Entrepreneurship Course

Discussion Series with Mike Handcock & Landi Jac on Productisation: Acceleration [Video]

Discussion Series with Mike Handcock & Landi Jac on Productisation: Acceleration

Discussion Series with Mike Handcock & Landi Jac on Productisation: Acceleration: Part 3 – See channel for full episode

In life, we’re surrounded by networks—some lift us up, while others drag us down. Let’s talk about the Poverty Network: a trio of characters—doomsayers, doubters, and distractors.

The Doomsayer: Always predicting the worst, they thrive on spreading fear and uncertainty. Pandemics, lockdowns—you name it, they’ve got a prediction for it.

The Doubter: Constantly questioning your abilities, they’ll tell you that you’re not cut out for success. Like a small lion, they say, how can you rule the jungle?

The Distractor: The worst of the bunch, they’ll do anything to divert your focus. Whether it’s governments, politicians, or influencers, they’re all after their own agenda, not your success.

To surge forward, you need laser-like focus. Cut out the distractions, silence the doubters, and ignore the doomsayers. Keep your eyes on the prize, and success will follow.

Remember, success isn’t a sprint—it’s a marathon. People often overestimate what they can achieve in a year but underestimate what they can accomplish in a decade. Stay focused, stay determined, and watch yourself soar to new heights!

Keep pushing forward, keep that focus, and watch as your dreams become reality. Let’s defeat the Poverty Network together!

#SurgeForward #DefeatPovertyNetwork #StayFocused

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