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Business Idea Generation Preview Video

Entrepreneur Ideas

Business Idea Generation Preview Video

Are you thinking of running a student business project where students create their own small business? I love bringing entrepreneurship into my personal finance classroom as a 1-2 month project in our increasing income unit. Starting a business offers our students so many opportunities to learn valuable skills and gain meaningful experiences, but many students often lack the practice being creative in this way. They struggle to come up with business ideas, or if they do, they are not suitable ideas for a classroom business project.

Resource link:

The start of any business project is going to be coming up with a business idea and this can be the biggest hurdle for students to get past. Public school doesn’t often prepare students very well for coming up with creative ideas and directing their own projects (it’s just not a prioritized skill in most classes). Giving students the freedom to pick their own idea and then turn it into a business is very intimidating and paralyzing for some. This is why I’ve created resources like this one to provide structure, guidance, and direction without actually telling the students what to do with their businesses.

In this resource there’s going to be 4 activities for you and the students to do on the path to picking a business idea.

Business Idea Brainstorm – students complete a 10 minute brainstorming session where they dump thoughts onto paper with guided categories and then try to find ideas within their thoughts.
Collect & Connect – collect problems, challenges, and pain points. Then, propose solutions to them whilst looking for business opportunities.
List 20 Business Ideas – It’s actually easier to list 20 ideas than it is to list 1!
Rank Ideas to Help Students Pick One To Work On – Figure out the right idea to work on for a student business project. We are looking for simple, quick to start, cheap, and exciting!

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