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Business Courses | Georgetown University Pre-College Online Program | Business Theme Trailer | H30 [Video]

Entrepreneurship Course

Business Courses | Georgetown University Pre-College Online Program | Business Theme Trailer | H30


Are you a high school student eager to explore the world of business? Take advantage of the Georgetown University Pre-College Online Program. Our courses embody the Jesuit tradition of cura personalis, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience tailored to your unique talents and aspirations.

Immerse yourself in dynamic video lessons led by Georgetown’s esteemed faculty and gain invaluable insights from mentors. With our flexible online format, you can study at your own pace, anytime, anywhere.

Whether your interests lie in entrepreneurship, investing, or marketing, our pre-college business courses offer a gateway to in-depth exploration before stepping into college.

Discover the possibilities with courses covering Entrepreneurship, Investing, and Marketing. Embrace the opportunity to shape your academic journey and future career today!


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