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How Angus Nelson generates $360,000 with just 29 clients in leadership coaching [Video]

Entrepreneur Leadership

How Angus Nelson generates $360,000 with just 29 clients in leadership coaching

In this video, Matt Bellmann interviews Angus Nelson, host of the Evolve Leadership Podcast and founder of the Wealthy Entrepreneur Circle. Angus shares his compelling journey from personal struggles to achieving significant business success. With 29 clients generating $360,000, Angus reveals the strategies behind his leadership coaching programs and effective B2B sales techniques.

0:00 – Introduction: Meet Angus Nelson and his mission.
0:29 – Personal Struggles: From addiction and business failure to success.
1:41 – First Business: Lessons from running a business into the ground.
2:27 – Counseling and Recovery: Discovering human behavior and psychology.
3:45 – Building the Wealthy Entrepreneur Circle: Crafting group and one-on-one coaching programs.
4:39 – High-Value Offers: Details of his $15,000 premium coaching.
5:57 – Ideal Clients: Targeting entrepreneurs and high performers.
7:19 – Solving Client Problems: Addressing internal belief systems to break revenue ceilings.
8:53 – Using Technology: Enhancing client engagement with Passion.io and other tools.
10:11 – Overcoming Setbacks: Managing setbacks and maintaining growth.
11:45 – Sales Techniques: Effective lead generation and conversion strategies.
13:07 – Organic vs. Paid Content: Balancing content creation and paid ads.
14:31 – Personal Insights: Lessons learned and advice for aspiring entrepreneurs.
15:25 – Scaling and Growth: Doubling down on growth strategies.
16:32 – Client Success Stories: Real transformations through Angus’s methods.
18:00 – Profit vs. Revenue: Importance of focusing on profitability.
19:20 – Using Crypto: How Angus reinvests his profits.
20:16 – Community Engagement: Building and nurturing a strong community.
21:46 – Content Strategy: Using content to attract and convert clients.
23:12 – Future Plans: Scaling strategies to reach $2 million and beyond.
24:40 – Final advice for entrepreneurs.

B2B sales, entrepreneurial skills, Angus Nelson, Passion.io, business growth, overcoming burnout, confidence building, high performers, startup success, lead generation, content marketing, scaling strategies, leadership coaching.

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