Entrepreneur Ideas

7 Counterintuitive Ideas for Early-Stage Businesses [Video]

7 Counterintuitive Ideas for Early-Stage Businesses

These principles might sound wrong but in the early days of business they will help you get off the ground.

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Running a small business is never straightforward. You might think the safest bet is to cut costs and streamline processes, but sometimes the opposite is true. Here are seven counterintuitive ideas that can be the key to fast growth and help you reach that first million in revenue.

1. Spending money, not saving it, is crucial. Unlike big corporations with millions in revenue, small businesses need to invest in marketing, hiring talent, and other growth drivers. Effective spending leads to growth.

2. Forget about profitability in the early stages. Revenue is more important. The saying “Revenue is vanity, profit is sanity” is often true, but for small businesses, you need to boost revenue first to cover fixed costs and hire the right team.

3. Cash at bank matters more than accurate record-keeping. It’s easy to get bogged down in detailed reports, but when you’re growing fast, keeping an eye on your cash flow ensures stability and survival.

4. Band-aid solutions can be better than well-thought-out systems. While detailed systems are ideal, in the early days, you need quick fixes to keep things moving. Focus on what’s working rather than perfecting processes.

5. Brochures are more effective than websites for some businesses. When you’re just starting, few people know you exist, so reaching out with a well-designed brochure can make more impact than a flashy website.

6. Your personal brand can matter more than your business brand. Customers trust people, not faceless corporations. Building a strong personal brand helps to connect with your audience and win their trust.

7. Finally, forget about passive income and automation when you’re starting. The best entrepreneurs aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty. Focus on the non-scalable tasks that build relationships and generate revenue before automating processes.

Remember, these ideas aren’t just about taking shortcuts; they’re about recognising that sometimes, doing the unexpected can lead to growth.

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