Entrepreneur Mentors

$50k a Month at 18 Living in London [Video]

$50k a Month at 18 Living in London

Jason Chrisman interviews 18-year-old entrepreneur Andria, who is making 40 to 60 thousand dollars a month running a reinvented agency. Andria explains that his agency helps online fitness coaches. lawyers & coaches overcome their struggle of booking sales calls by running Instagram ads for them called macros. He emphasizes the importance of standing out in a saturated market and shares his journey of reinventing the wheel and doing the opposite of what traditional social media marketing agencies advise. Andria also discusses his mentorship program and the importance of having a coach to skip the learning curve. He reflects on the challenges of attaining wealth at a young age and the motivation behind proving himself independently of his family’s success. The conversation explores the importance of having a different mindset and being willing to take risks in order to achieve financial freedom. It emphasizes the need to block out negative influences and surround oneself with people who have achieved success. We also touches on the importance of discipline and the role of a higher power in guiding one’s journey. The guest shares his goal of helping young people in his home country change their mentality and improve their lives. The conversation concludes with a discussion on the flaws of the education system and the importance of focusing on personal growth and serving a higher purpose. For Andria’s Social Media Tik Tok (
Instagram ( .

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