Entrepreneur Leadership

48 – The Importance of Proactiveness in Leadership– Justin Ayars [Video]

48 – The Importance of Proactiveness in Leadership– Justin Ayars

What do you do when you feel you are treated unjustly?

Do you suck it up? Do you complain? Or, do you do something to fix the problem?

I prefer the latter because proactiveness is a characteristic of strong leaders.

I have always appreciated people who take the initiative to solve problems. That is why I was delighted to have Justin Ayars as a guest on “When Leaders Talk.”

Justin is a serial entrepreneur, CEO, and founder of EqualityMD.

His company is on a mission to address discrimination in healthcare for members of the LGTBQ+ community (yes, there is discrimination. It’s absurd, right?).

Justin and I explore his perspective on leadership, and taking advantage of Justin’s experience in the startup ecosystem, we also talk about the importance of getting ready, starting with building self-awareness, to increase the chances of success.

Of course, we talk about the LGBTQ+ community and how he has struggled to keep his sexual orientation hidden in some workplaces.

Justin is a fantastic human being who takes the initiative to make the lives of many better and easier.

Listen to him because there is a lot of wisdom from which to get inspired.

Welcome aboard ‘When Leaders Talk,’ where leadership isn’t just a topic. It’s a journey narrated by the captains steering the ship—leaders themselves. Each episode sails through uncharted territories of leadership, offering you a first-hand view from the helm. We bring together luminaries from every sphere—big corporations, agile startups, and solo ventures—to share their personal sagas, challenges, and unique leadership styles.

Our candid conversations delve deep into how these ‘masters of the sea’ navigate the complex waters of life and work. We unpack their triumphs and setbacks, revealing the lessons learned and the compasses they use to find their way. What values anchor them? What strategies propel them forward?

Discover the answers to these questions and more as our guests invite you into their world, taking you on a voyage through the principles and practices that empower them to reach their destinations with skill and assurance.

Join us as we set sail to explore the diverse and often untold aspects of leadership delivered straight from those who live it daily. I hope this episode will make you curious enough to listen to or view the next episodes.

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The soundtrack song is “Pirate Tavern” composed by Artem Hramushkin

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